How beautiful to decorate a puff salad. Decoration of salads. Chain, fan and openwork rings from fresh cucumber

The original decoration of salads is an obligatory item in the design holiday table. Snacks with an unusual bright design will help surprise guests and will look even more appetizing. Even the simplest budget salad of the most available ingredients after decoration will be a worthy addition to the festive table.

Deciding on the decoration of salads by March 8, Special attention should be given to the main figure of the holiday. It will be relevant to place an edible eight on a snack. You can make it from any vegetables, herbs, canned legumes, or draw any sauces.

By March 8, any flowers can be placed on the salad. Finely grated cheese or boiled egg yolk will help to depict fluffy mimosa, pieces of protein and yolk - chamomile, cherry tomatoes with a cut tip - red tulips, and thin rolled slices of ham or red fish - roses of different shades.

It will be very effective if the edible flowers are in the "basket". It can be drawn with mayonnaise or cheese sauce at the bottom of the dish. Also, a twisted basket is easily laid out from thin strips of smoked cheese, green onion feathers, boiled chicken fibers.

For birthday, anniversary

A birthday salad should turn out especially bright and appetizing. With its design, you can endlessly experiment. There is no single theme for this.

An interesting idea is to make a birthday salad in the form of a birthday cake.

  • The entire surface of such an appetizer (be sure to choose puff option) should be covered with chopped herbs, grated cheese or an egg, potato strips fried until golden brown, Korean or boiled grated carrots.
  • "Cream" rosettes are easy to create from mayonnaise, soft cheese, or any thick sauce. A pastry bag or a cut corner of a regular package will help the hostess with this.
  • On the surface of such a “cake”, you can place both real candles and those made from cheese sticks and pieces of red pepper that imitate a flame.

On birthday salads, you can lay out the age of the birthday man with any appetizing ingredients or write wishes for him with sauces.

Original vegetable decorations

Numerous vegetable decorations can be made interesting and unusual.

There are several such options at once:

  1. Onion chrysanthemum. To make it, the peeled vegetable head is cut (not completely) first crosswise in the middle. Then shallow additional cuts are made - if you lower the knife too low, then the vegetable will simply fall apart. It remains only to send the bulb into non-cold water for 1.5 - 2 hours and wait until it "blooms". If this happens too slowly, you can gently help the vegetable with your hands.
  2. Tulips from tomatoes. For this purpose, oval elongated tomatoes are always used. At the end, they are cut crosswise to get sharp tips. If desired, you can remove the core with a spoon and stuff the fruits, for example, with cheese with mayonnaise and garlic.
  3. Roses. Appetizing roses can be created from many vegetables. The main thing is to cut the products as thin as possible. It can be radishes, cucumbers, beets and others.
  4. Palm. This is very fast option decorations. For him, the salad is pierced with two long skewers. Each one is planted with several whole pitted olives. Their top is decorated with fluffy parsley.
  5. Ladybugs and bees. Such guests for salads can be made from cherry tomatoes, olives, olives. For example, to create "ladybugs" you need to put half a small tomato with a cut off tip for a snack, and it is easy to depict the head of a beetle as half an olive. Black dots are all created from the same cut olive or pepper. For the "bees" olives and olives are cut into pieces and stacked, alternating, on the salad. "Wings" for them are made from thin slices of cheese or pickled cucumber.

For children's parties

When decorating salads for children's parties, it is worth using your favorite characters from cartoons, fairy tales and just funny animals in their design.

  • A very simple and popular design option is “Mouse fuss”. To do this, any salad is first covered with finely grated cheese or egg yolk. Appetizing edible "mice" sit down from above. You can make them from boiled eggs. The tail and cheese are made from cheese slices, and the eyes and nose are made from black pepper.
  • It is not more difficult to make a salad in the form of a hedgehog. To do this, it is laid out in the form of an animal body and completely covered with grated protein. The spines are made from olive slices. The nose and eyes are made from olive pieces. Cherry or a miniature apple can also be placed on the resulting appetizing thorns.
  • The design of the salad looks very impressive in the form watermelon slice. The salad can be anything that can be shaped appropriately. From above, the appetizer is first covered with grated cucumber, and the next layer forms grated cheese. And finally, (closer to the middle of the plate) small pieces of tomato are distributed. Thin slices of olives will imitate the bones.
  • If you don’t plan to fill up the mayonnaise salad with anything, you can easily turn it into a funny crab. To do this, the body of a marine inhabitant, as well as the lower and upper claws, are laid out from the snack on a large plate. They are decorated with slices of boiled carrots or sweet bell peppers. The muzzle is drawn from a piece of any bright vegetable (mouth) and egg circles with sweet peppercorns (eyes).

Egg decorations for holiday table salads

You can even use the usual ones in decorating salads for the festive table. boiled eggs.

There are options for decorating snacks from such products. great amount. Suitable for both chicken and quail eggs. They must first be boiled to a hard yolk.

  • To make a swan, two eggs are used at once. One is left whole (body), the other is cut into pieces (head, wings and tail). Eyes are depicted on a rounded block with black pepper, and a beak is made from a piece of carrot. All additional parts in the right places are inserted into the first egg.
  • To make delicious mushrooms, soak the protein halves in tea for 15 to 20 minutes. When the products are colored, they should be laid on whole white boiled eggs. It remains to complement the composition with a large amount of greenery. The resulting appetizing hats can also be decorated with drops of mayonnaise.
  • A variety of characters are easily created from eggs - chickens, fish, penguins, snowmen, piglets. Their body becomes a whole boiled egg or half of it. Additional parts of the characters are created from pieces of olives, boiled carrots, cucumbers, cheese.
  • A boiled egg cut into pieces easily turns into a flower. On a salad, you can put chamomile, lily, chrysanthemum out of it.

Portioned salad for Defender of the Fatherland Day can be served in the form of shoulder straps. To do this, the appetizer is laid out on a plate with a rectangle. Topped with small pieces of kiwi or chopped herbs. It remains to draw even stripes on the salad with ketchup and add cheese stars.

You can arrange the dish in the form of a tank. To do this, the salad is laid out on a large flat plate. From it you need to form a tank with all the details. It remains to arrange it with fresh / pickled vegetables. For example, make a star out of carrots, and wheels out of cucumber slices or olives.

DIY salad decorations for beginners

It is easy to effectively decorate a salad with your own hands, even for those who are far from cooking. The simplest option decoration of snacks - in the form of a gift. To do this, the salad is simply laid out in the shape of a square and covered with "ribbons" of cucumber. You can make a “bow” from strips of boiled carrots. Or complement the middle of a delicious gift with a rose from any vegetable.

You can always just put the resulting treat on lettuce leaves. This will give it a festive look. It remains to complement the appetizer on top with any sauce pattern or vegetable decoration.

If the holiday is dedicated to a specific date, then it will be enough to lay out the salad in the form of the corresponding number to surprise the guests. For example, by March 8, snack-eights are served. Grated cheese / yolk or canned corn and lots of fresh herbs.

Ideas for decorating salads and pates. No special tools required!

Simple and effective

We make a "flower" from a tomato, as shown in the photo.
We cut green twigs and leaves from the skin of a cucumber.
We spread the decorations on top of a layer of grated cheese (or grated yolk) and serve.

Decoration of the portion salad "SEA KINGDOM" - decoration with boiled beans and seaweed salad or pate. Figurines of fish and other marine inhabitants are cut out of colorful vegetables.

"Roses" from a tomato.

Basket with multi-colored "roses" of black radish.

Salad with delicate "roses" of sausage or ham.
The same "roses" can be made from thin slices of salted fish.

Decoration of the ham with "roses" and greens.

Fruit salad in pineapple.

Salad in cups of orange peel or grapefruit.

Simple decoration: french fries slices, grated yolks, mayonnaise or sour cream, olives, salad greens. Decoration of salad, snack cake, pate

"Russian birches"
Background - grated yolks sprinkled on a thin layer of mayonnaise, sour cream, sauce, etc.; decoration elements - thin slices egg white, pieces of prunes, green onions, parsley leaves, pomegranate seeds.
White "trunks" of birch trees can be either laid out from thin pieces of egg whites, or simply drawn with sour cream or mayonnaise.
So you can decorate the surface of a meat, fish or vegetable aspic dish, and even a sandwich. Decorating a salad, snack cake, pate

Petals of "daisies" are cut from egg white, the middle is grated yolk. A wreath of dill sprigs is laid out around. Ideas for decorating salads

Salad decoration with calla flowers.
Cheese leaves rolled into a bag, carrot stamens, green onion sprigs.

Making a salad in the form of a "fish".

Decoration with "roses" from different products.

Garnished with greenery and "daisies" from egg whites and carrots.

Decoration green peas, corn kernels and cucumber peel strips.

Salad decoration with grated egg yolk sprinkles.

Canned corn, cucumber and sweet red pepper slices, green onions.

"Butterflies" from olives and slices of carrots with specks of mayonnaise; chips, greens.

"Lilac" from grated egg white, then colored with beet juice. "Tulips" from tomatoes. Branches of greenery.

Salad "Christmas tree".
We spread the salad on a dish with a high slide, decorate with bright berries, pomegranate seeds.
For laying out a salad in a high slide, it is convenient to use a cropped plastic bottle of a suitable size. We take part of the bottle from the side of the cork, lightly grease the inside with mayonnaise, fill it tightly with salad and tip it onto a dish.
Decorate with dill sprigs.
At the top we place a star cut from sweet red pepper.

Decoration of salad, pate, snack or sandwich cake "GOB and GIRL".

Decoration of salad or pate "Forest flower".

Decoration of salad, pate, diner or sandwich cake.

Salad "Christmas Tree"

crab sticks- 300 g
canned corn - 200 g
onion - 1 pc.
grated cheese - 200 g
boiled rice - 1 cup
ground black pepper
For decoration:
leek - green part
white radish
carrots or colorful peppers
NOTE. Salad for the "Yolochka" can be any other that can be laid out in a high slide - this is to your taste. Cooking Cut the crab sticks into small cubes.
Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
Chop the onion, pour boiling water and hold for 5-10 minutes to remove the bitterness.
Drain liquid from corn.
Combine all the ingredients, mix, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.
Put the salad in a high slide. To spread the salad in a slide, we use a cut plastic bottle of a suitable size. We take part of the bottle from the side of the cork, lightly grease the inside with mayonnaise, fill it tightly with salad and tip it onto a dish.
Cut the leek leaves into equilateral triangles of different sizes.
Lay the chopped onion from the bottom up, starting with large triangles that are attached at the base of the “Christmas tree”, and ending with small ones for the top.
Finely chop carrots and radishes and lay out in the form of a Christmas tree garland (see photo).
Making and decorating salads or pâtés
Garnish with tomato slices, chopped olives and herbs.

Garnish with sweet pepper slices, olives and herbs.

Garnish with mayonnaise (or thick sour cream), pomegranate seeds and chopped herbs.

Decoration with mayonnaise.

Decoration with chips, corn kernels, olives and herbs.

Garnish with pickled or salted mushrooms, cucumber slices, carrots and herbs.

Decoration with mushrooms, mayonnaise and herbs.

Decoration with fresh flowers in a vase, grated yolks, herbs, olives.

Decoration of pâté sprinkled with steamed poppy seeds.

Herring "under a fur coat" with "flowers" of carrot slices, corn kernels and green leaves.

A layer of boiled (or baked) and grated beets with the addition of sour cream or mayonnaise (or a mixture thereof), halves walnuts.

Decoration "Drops of rain" - a layer of sour cream or mayonnaise, boiled beets, chopped green onions.

Decoration "Fungus".
The cap of the "mushroom" is covered with raw or boiled grated carrots, the leg - with grated squirrels or radishes, or boiled rice, or a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise.

Salad "Champignon".

Decoration "Pineapple". A layer of mayonnaise or thick sour cream mixed with spices, halves of walnuts, green onions.

Salad of fish, seafood with decorations of lemon slices, shrimps and herbs.

Design "Kalla".
"Envelopes" of flowers from slices of cheese, stamens from carrots.

Decoration "SEA STAR".
Top layer of grated carrots sprinkled with sesame seeds.
Decoration of sliced ​​lemon and boiled shrimp, cut along the radius and rolled in a spiral.

Design "Hieroglyph "Love"".

Registration "BUCK".

"SNOWFLAKES" - decorating a salad or snack cake with cheese and black olives.

A simple serving of hard-boiled egg halves with green peas.

When decorating dishes, try to use bright natural colors of products.


Layered salad cooked in a lightly oiled ring shape and laid out on a dish.
"Flowers" of sliced ​​​​cucumbers and pieces of carrots, greens.

Design option:

3 ripe avocados
100 g boiled and peeled shrimp
10-12 cherry tomatoes (or 2-3 regular tomatoes)
juice of half a lemon
vegetable oil
Cut the avocado in half lengthwise, remove the pit. Using a teaspoon, carefully remove the pulp without damaging the skin.

Cut the taken out pulp into cubes, add lemon juice, mix. Cut the cherry tomatoes into two or four parts or cut ordinary tomatoes into cubes.

Mix avocado pulp, shrimp, tomatoes. Salt a little and season with vegetable oil.
Fill peeled avocados with salad, put on a dish, garnish to your liking and serve.
Salmon rolls with vegetables

Green, yellow and red Bell pepper, cucumbers, cabbage leaves cut into strips 5-7 mm wide. Take one strip of each, add a sprig of dill, wrap in a slice of salted salmon and tie up the roll green onion.
To taste, you can add a strip cut from butter and generously sprinkled with chopped dill, or 1-2 strips of cheese.
Cheese "cups" with salad

Roll the cheese slices into cups, tie with green onions, place vertically on a dish and fill with salad. Decorate to taste.
Snack "Flower pots" of zucchini and lettuce

zucchini - 2 pcs.
sweet bell pepper - 1/2 pc.
fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
garlic - 2 cloves
hard cheese - 40 g
lettuce leaves (it is better to take arugula)
mayonnaise to taste

Zucchini cut into thin long slices and fry on both sides in a pan.
For the filling, cut the sweet pepper and cucumber into thin long strips, chop the garlic and rub the cheese on a fine grater.
We fill the filling with mayonnaise and mix everything.

At one end of the fried slice of zucchini, put a lettuce leaf or arugula leaves, put the filling on top, and a little more arugula on top of the filling.
We roll up a slice of zucchini with a roll and put it on a dish.
Snack "Peacock tail"

Put the cheese-mayonnaise mass on the fried eggplant slices and decorate with slices fresh cucumber, halves of black olives and slices of tomato.
Seafood on ice

Open oyster shells with a knife, add other seafood, put on ice cubes, decorate with herbs and serve.
Serving sandwiches

"Forest true story" - sandwiches with ham.

Egg "boats" with caviar

Cut the hard-boiled eggs in half lengthwise, take out the yolks, grind them with sour cream or mayonnaise (you can add grated cheese, finely chopped greens to taste), fill the egg halves with a mixture.
Put on “sails” cut out of egg white or slices of cheese on small toothpicks and insert them into the “boats”.
On top of the "masts" you can put on flags cut from sweet red pepper.
Garnish with red caviar and herbs.
egg serving examples

Eggs with caviar oil piped from a pastry bag.

Simple decoration with egg halves.

"Mushrooms" from eggs or stuffed eggs.

As "hats" you can use halves of tomatoes; pickled, salted or boiled mushrooms; pieces of egg white dyed in hot strong tea or coffee, etc. according to your own imagination.
A simple garnish with egg slices.

Use in serving a tiered plate
Serving "hills" of confectionery

Serving buns in a slide

When making festive dishes use your imagination and artistic taste

There are only 3 types of products, but it looks rich and picturesque.

Decoration with "flowers" carved from vegetables.

PAPILOTS(fr. papillote - paper wrapper). Used in restaurant cuisine, paper tubes with various cutouts and scallops, with which they hide the ends of animal or bird bones protruding from the meat. Papillots also play the role of a handle by which you can hold the portion without getting your hands dirty on the fat, and make it easier to cut the portion into smaller pieces.
Papillottes first appeared in the 19th century in French restaurant cuisine, from where they quickly spread to many cuisines of the world, incl. and Russian restaurant cuisine. Papillots were especially widely used in Soviet restaurants and in communist Kremlin cuisine.

For clearance fried game, cutlets and chops with a bone, hams on the bone use paper curlers and rosettes.
For papillots, a sheet of paper is folded three times in length, then the edge of the paper is folded 1-1.25 cm wide and strips are cut evenly across the entire width of the paper with a sharp knife or scissors. The paper is cut into 4 strips, wrapped around a round stick, giving the appearance of a flower, and its ends are folded.
To make a rosette, paper 12:12 cm in size is folded into 4 layers (in half and again in half), cut obliquely and corrugated with a thin cloth. Then the sharp tip of the rosette is cut off, the rosette is unfolded and put on the hairpin and on the bone (see below).

"... I never wrote about how to cook fish in papillots. A papilot, dear stupid, in cooking is a twisted cut piece of paper, which is usually put on the bones of cutlets or fried poultry. Well, except that Giedrius managed to cook catfish in a papilot his lady, which was twisted into her hair."
(an excerpt from Lithuanian literature of the 20th century).

The scheme for making a simple papillot:

1. Paper should not be very thin - printer paper is best.
2. Take thick white paper and cut out a strip about 8 cm long and 4 cm wide.
3. Fold the strip along its middle along.
4. Cut the folded paper along the fold with scissors into uniform notches - you get something like a fringe.
5. Wrap a round stick in a spiral with cut paper, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the bone.
6. Glue the end of the paper strip with edible glue made from brewed starch or flour, or gelatin, or attach with tape.
NOTE. Although recently, for simplicity, papillots are often glued with adhesive tape, but it must be admitted that adhesive tape does not agree well with edible products, therefore food glue made from flour or starch, or gelatin is always more preferable.
7. Trim the bottom of the cuff with scissors.
Use ready-made papillots to decorate the bird.
Photo of step-by-step production of the simplest papillot:

Today it is difficult to imagine any festive table without salads. Our Slavic people love salads: different, tasty, with vodka, traditional and original! A beautiful salads- this is such a nice addition to any salad that every housewife tries to embody in her kitchen.

Decorating salads is like religion and philosophy - each housewife has her own, and they are united by one common hobby - decorating dishes. You can philosophize on the topic of how to decorate salads for a long time. And there are people who do not like the decoration of salads in our usual sense. In any case, beautiful salads are the atmosphere of a holiday, celebration, an opportunity to make ours brighter and richer.

Dear guests of the site, I bring to your attention an original selection with examples of decorating salads, which I hope you will not only like, but also appear on your holiday table.

Salad "Sunflower"

Sunflower salad recipe and design options can be viewed

Salad with chicken and champignons "Mushroom"

How to cook and decorate the Mushroom salad, see


  • Chicken breast - 300-400 grams,
  • champignons - 300 grams,
  • onion - 1-2 heads,
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.,
  • green onion - 1 bunch,
  • hard cheese - 100-150 grams,
  • olives.


Boil the chicken breast - finely chop.

Mushrooms and onions cut into cubes, fry on vegetable oil, with the addition of butter.

Boil eggs, cut into cubes.

Lay out in layers: chicken breast- sour cream-mushrooms fried with onions - sour cream - boiled eggs - sour cream.

Decoration on top: tomatoes - finely chopped, cucumbers - julienne + dill, cheese - grated, olives.

Pink Salad "Chamomile"

How to cook and decorate the salad of pink salmon "Chamomile" look

Salad "Hedgehog" with Korean carrots


  • half chicken fillet - about 300 grams
  • marinated champignons whole from a jar
  • 2 medium onions
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • medium cucumber
  • about 200 grams of hard cheese
  • 1 pack of mayonnaise
  • handful of walnuts
  • a glass of Korean carrots
  • 3 medium pitted olives
  • bunch of lettuce leaves
  • Salt and some pepper


1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, cool and cut into not very large cubes.

2. Boil eggs and rub coarsely on a grater.

3. Peel and finely chop the onions.

4. Wash the cucumber and cut into small strips. You can, of course, grate it, but then too much juice will come out and the mushy cucumber will not work in this salad.

5. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

6. Walnuts are very well chopped, you can in a blender and pepper them.

7. Leave a few mushrooms for decoration, and finely chop the rest of the mushrooms and fry in butter.

8. Even from this amount of food you get a rather big hedgehog, so take a bigger plate, lay lettuce leaves on the bottom and form a silhouette of a hedgehog, laying out layers in turn: chicken - a layer of mayonnaise - onions - more mayonnaise - mushrooms - a layer of mayonnaise - eggs - again mayonnaise - cucumber - grated walnuts- cheese-mayonnaise.

9. Cover the body of the hedgehog Korean carrots, leaving the muzzle cheesy. Make eyes and a nose from olives, spread greens around and plant mushrooms on top of the “needles”.

I recommend this dish for the holidays. It seems to me that the Hedgehog salad recipe is purely masculine, but if you remove the pepper, it will also suit children. A very charming animal for the center of the festive table. And it is better to cook mayonnaise yourself, for your own health!

Salad with pomegranate "Ladybug"

How to cook and decorate the Ladybug salad with pomegranate

Salad "Tulips"


1. We make a tulip, cut the petals in the upper part of the tomato, it is better if the tomatoes are firmer.

2. We remove what we cut. Knife carefully.

3. Then we take out the core with a spoon, take out up to half of the tomato so that the taste of the tomato is also present, but as you like, if you like more filling, take out more of the core.

4. For the filling, cheese, boil two eggs, garlic, walnuts and mayonnaise.

Salad "Calla"

How to cook to decorate the Calla salad

Salad "Birch Grove"


  • 300 gr. boiled chicken fillet,
  • 300 gr. fried mushrooms,
  • fry 3 onions
  • 200 gr. pitted prunes,
  • 5 eggs (white, yolk separately)
  • 2 small fresh cucumbers
  • mayonnaise, herbs.


1st layer - chicken - finely chopped fillet,

2nd layer - prunes, finely chopped,

3rd layer - champignons with onions,

4th layer of proteins,

5th layer cucumbers in small cubes.

The yolks on a fine grater on top, on the sides of the squirrels are also fine.

We decorate for every taste. Ready.

Salad "White Piano"


  • Chicken meat 500 gr.
  • Cucumber 2 pieces (fresh)
  • Eggs 3-4 pieces
  • Mushrooms 300 gr. (any to taste)
  • Hard cheese 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise


The whole process of preparing a salad consists of layers that are laid out in a certain sequence. Before we start laying out the layers of lettuce, we need to prepare everything for this necessary ingredients thus:

- chicken meat should be boiled;

- fry the mushrooms in a pan;

- grate cucumbers with a grater, while using a large grater;

- Eggs also boil and grate on a coarse grater.

We lay out the layers in a certain sequence:

1 layer - boiled chicken;

2 layer - mayonnaise;

3 layer - fried mushrooms;

4 layer - mayonnaise;

5 layer - fresh cucumbers;

6 layer - mayonnaise;

7 layer - boiled eggs;

8 layer - mayonnaise;

9 layer - cheese.

Decorate in the form of a piano, using for this hard cheese and black olives. You can also form a beautiful rose from slightly salted salmon, which will perfectly transform the entire salad landscape.

Salad "Ladybug" with caviar

How to cook salad "Ladybug" with caviar, see

Decorating salads is a reason to write a separate article, because beautiful salads are an integral part of festive feast when each hostess comes up with something original to make the holiday special.

Beautiful salads are especially relevant when there are small children in the house - it is interesting for children to watch how their mother makes salad decorations, and then they gobble it all up together.

Read also:Examples of decorating salads on New Year, birthday, anniversary, wedding. How to decorate salads for any celebration. Beautiful salads with descriptions and photos

Also, beautiful salads are relevant for children's matinees, and birthdays. beautiful decoration salads is not at all as difficult as it might seem, and it is enough to show a little imagination and your beautiful salads will surprise all guests.

Especially for the readers of the Home Restaurant, I made a photo selection of how to beautifully decorate salads, which I hope will come in handy for you.

Most of the salads in this article are layered, and to keep their shape, they are best done in a split baking dish, waiting for the salads to harden in the refrigerator, and then remove the ring, and only then proceed to decorate the salads.

Festive salad "Butterfly"

How to make Butterfly Salad step by step photos you can see

New Year's Salad "Horse"


  • Chicken leg: 1 pc. (or chicken breast: 1 pc.)
  • Fresh cucumbers: 2 pcs. (or sweet bell pepper: 2 pcs.)
  • Mushrooms: 200-300 g
  • Onion: 1 pc
  • Vegetable oil: for frying
  • Chicken eggs: 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise: to taste
  • Salt: to taste


Hard boil eggs. Cool down.

Boil the chicken leg (or breast) until tender in salted water (about 30 minutes after boiling). Cool down.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes.

Wash mushrooms and cut into small cubes.

Heat up a frying pan, add some oil. Place mushrooms and onion in skillet. Cook over medium heat, stirring, for about 10 minutes.

Separate the chicken meat from the bones and cut into pieces.

Wash cucumbers (or bell peppers) and cut into cubes.

Separate whites from yolks. Grate the protein on a fine grater.

Grate the yolk on a fine grater.

Cool mushrooms.

In a bowl, combine the prepared meat and cucumbers.

Salt to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Mix well until smooth.

Combine the yolks with mayonnaise, mix well. (Bring to the consistency of thick sour cream.)

Put the salad on a flat dish (black or burgundy will look more spectacular), forming a horse's head with a knife. You can prepare a pattern in advance.

Lubricate the silhouette of the horse with the yolk mixture. Lay out the mane from the mushrooms.

The last layer is proteins. Finally form the head and ears.

Make eyes and nostrils (for example, from olives), decorate the New Year's salad as you wish. Let the salad rest in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours. New Year's fat t "Horse" is ready.

Salad of crab sticks "Mouse"


  • 150 gr hard cheese (can be processed)
  • 240 gr crab sticks
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 250 gr mayonnaise
  • 1 carrot
  • parsley
  • peppercorns


1. Grate cheese, crab sticks and garlic on a fine grater.

2. Cut carrots into circles.

3. Combine cheese and garlic with mayonnaise, mix well.

4. Put the finished mass in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

5. Form oval molds from the cheese mass.

6. Then roll them in grated crab sticks on all sides.

7. Make ears from carrots, tails from crab sticks, eyes from black pepper.

sakura branch«

Ingredientsfor salad:

300 grams of smoked chicken or pork, cut into strips;

2 small table beets, chopped on a grater;

Bank of pickled champignons;

Egg yolks 4-5 eggs;

Grated cheese 200 grams;

Grated squirrels.

You can add fried or pickled onions after the beets.

Preparing the salad:

Spread all layers with mayonnaise.

Sakura flowers are made from protein, dyed with beet juice, branches from grated black and green olives, leek leaves.

Stamens are from the yolk.

The design depends on your taste.

flower pot«

The salad is made in a drop-down form for baking. If there is none, you can use a simple cardboard tape, fastening it in the form of a ring, and wrap it with foil. We lay out in this ring in layers, spreading each with mayonnaise:

1. grilled or smoked chicken, cut into pieces;

2. prunes, cut into strips;

3. champignon mushrooms fried with onions;

4. cucumbers, cut into strips (let them stand before laying out and drain excess liquid),

5. Korean carrots.

For decoration: radish is used, which is soaked in beetroot juice.

If you want lilac flowers - in the juice of red cabbage.

Release the salad from the contour, put unsweetened crackers around the “pot”, decorate with green leaves, which will be at hand. In the photo, the salad is decorated with sorrel.

Lay out the flowers, decorate the middle with yolk, and spread the protein grated on a fine grater between.

Keep in refrigerator until serving.

Salad "Pansies"

Salad "New Year cracker"

The recipe for the New Year's cracker salad with step-by-step photos can be viewed

Salad "Snake" for the New Year 2013

Recipes New Year's salad"Snake" (7 pcs) with a photo you can see

Salad "Crab"

The recipe for the salad "Crab" can be viewed

Salad "Goldfish"

The recipe for the preparation of the salad "Goldfish" and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Pearl"

The recipe for the salad "Pearl" can be viewed

Salad "White birch"

Salad preparation recipe White birch» and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Royal"

Preparation of the Tsarsky salad and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Cornucopia" №1

The recipe for the Horn of Plenty salad No. 1 can be viewed

Salad "Violet"

salad ingredients: smoked leg, prunes, mushrooms fried with onions, fresh cucumber, Korean carrot, mayonnaise.

cooking : Lay out all the ingredients for the salad in layers, smearing with mayonnaise in a salad bowl, or a detachable form. Cut the radishes into slices, and soak in red cabbage juice so that the violet petals turn lilac. Put spinach leaves on the salad, and then make flowers from circles of radishes. Make violets from egg yolks. Lay out the sides of the lettuce with crackers.

Salad "Fox coat"

Salad preparation and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Spider line"

salad ingredients: sprats, butter, onion, hard cheese, boiled eggs, mayonnaise. Fresh cucumber, black olives, ketchup, herbs for decoration.

cooking : Mash sprats with a fork and put on a plate, then put finely chopped onion with mayonnaise. The next layer is grated cheese with mayonnaise, then three creamy little, and at the end of the egg.

To decorate, mix 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise with ketchup, and draw a cobweb. Make a spider out of a black olive. Decorate the sides of the salad with cucumbers and herbs.

Eggplant appetizer "Peacock's tail"

Preparing appetizers with step by step photos you can see

Salad "Fireworks"

salad ingredients: ham, boiled eggs, yellow, red and green bell pepper, tomato, mayonnaise, onion

cooking : Cut all salad ingredients into thin slices. On a plate, lay out the first layer of ham, with strips of onion. Next, bell peppers of three colors, alternating them with egg whites. Top with tomatoes and mayonnaise, which we hide under grated egg yolks. Mayonnaise can be served separately in a gravy boat.

Salad "Lady's Hat"

salad ingredients: is based

ingredients for decoration : suluguni rope cheese, tomato, black olives

Salad "April Olivier"

salad ingredients: boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers, fresh cucumbers, boiled sausage, green onions, smoked sausage, parsley, dill, mayonnaise.

ingredients for decoration : radish, fresh cucumbers, lettuce, curly parsley, salami sausage for rosette, olives, egg white.

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with mayonnaise. Arrange the lettuce leaves on a plate to garnish the salad. Lay the lettuce on top of the leaves. Cucumber cut in half and cut into slices. Cut the radish in half. Arrange radish and cucumber alternately on the sides. Put curly parsley on top around the edges. Before preparing the salad, cut off a piece of boiled eggs and cut it in half. Lay the halves around. Put the salami rose in the middle. It turns out it's very easy to do. Cut 7 thin pieces of salami, wrap the first piece in a tube, and put the rest on top of each other and secure with toothpicks.

Cut the olives into thin slices and decorate the salad with them in the area of ​​​​the eggs.

Salad "Green Rose"

salad ingredients: boiled chicken fillet, processed cheese, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, pitted olives, Crimean red onion, mayonnaise.

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with plates or slices of fresh cucumber in the form of a rose.

Salad "Mexican"

salad ingredients: boiled chicken fillet, radish, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, green onions, boiled potatoes, chili peppers, lettuce, pickled cucumbers, lemon juice and vegetable oil

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate and top with lettuce. Using toothpicks, collect a cactus from pickled cucumbers.

Salad "White crocuses"

salad ingredients: boiled eggs, Beijing cabbage, canned corn, pickled champignons, green onions, fresh cucumbers, mayonnaise.

preparation: Beijing cabbage, pickled champignons, green onions, fresh cucumbers cut into cubes, add corn and season with mayonnaise. Put the salad on a plate, and sprinkle with finely chopped eggs on top.

For decoration, we take 7-8 small seedling bulbs (they are sold at grandmothers in the bazaar), a bunch of green onions and 1/4 carrots. We clean small bulbs. Now take a sharp knife and cut the cloves along the top of the onion. We take out the “insides” of the onion and, using a toothpick and green onions, insert the stalks into the “onion cups” and put a small piece of carrot into each onion.

Liver cake "Chamomile"

preparation: cooking liver cake here is the recipe. We decorate with chopped dill, spread chamomile from egg white and yolk.

Salad "Championship"

salad ingredients : green peas (young or frozen), canned. corn, boiled potatoes and carrots, salmon, eggs, green onions, dill, mayonnaise, quail eggs.

cooking : cut all the ingredients into cubes and put the layers on a square plate, smearing with mayonnaise in the following sequence: potatoes, green onions, eggs, salmon, corn, carrots, potatoes. Decorate the salad with green peas and dill. Mark the field with mayonnaise, and make a soccer ball from a quail egg.

Salad "Snowdrops"

salad ingredients : boiled beef, marinated in lemon juice and sugar onions, eggs, mayonnaise, hard cheese

cooking : the salad is laid out in layers in the following order: pickled onions, boiled meat, boiled eggs. Spread each layer not too thickly with mayonnaise, including the top one. Take it lightly. Sprinkle the salad with grated cheese, make snowdrop stems from green onion feathers, and cut the petals from thinly sliced ​​daikon radish slices.

salad ingredients : unsweetened round crackers, canned salmon, saury or tuna, boiled eggs, garlic, green onions, mayonnaise

cooking : arrange crackers on a plate in a circle in the shape of a flower. Next, a layer of eggs with mayonnaise, then a layer of crackers, then canned food with mayonnaise and green onions, and grease the last top layer of crackers with mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely grated eggs. Decorate the salad with tomato slices, olive halves and sprigs of herbs.

Salad "Vegetable with garlic"

salad ingredients : tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, vegetable oil, herbs

cooking : cut vegetables into slices, and arrange in rows on a round dish. Sprinkle with crushed garlic, herbs, and pour vegetable oil.

Salad "Crab Spring"

salad ingredients : crab sticks, or crab meat, fresh cucumbers, eggs, grated hard cheese, Beijing cabbage, olives. Sauce: mix equal parts mayonnaise and sour cream, seasoning with a little mustard.

cooking : crab sticks, cucumbers, eggs, and olives cut into cubes, chinese cabbage break into small pieces. Add cheese, and season with sauce, put in a mold, and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Take out the salad, transfer to a dish, and garnish with green onions and crab stick flowers.

Mimosa salad with mice

salad ingredients : boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, onions, canned fish (sardines in oil), mayonnaise, greens

ingredients for decoration : pieces of cheese (for the ears and tail of mice), black peppercorns (use as eyes for mice)

Salad "Aquarium"

salad ingredients : Seafood Cocktail, onion, red canned beans, marinated champignons, pickles, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : sea ​​kale, red bell pepper (to make fish and star), mayonnaise, a few mussels to make crabs

Salad "Sunflower"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, onion, fried champignons, boiled eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Pringls chips and olives

Salad "Gate"

salad ingredients : avocado, shrimp, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, onions, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : green onion feathers, salty straws, a piece of black bread to make the bottom

Salad "Corn"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken breast, pickled cucumbers, onions, fried mushrooms, boiled eggs, parsley and dill, mayonnaise, canned corn

ingredients for decoration : leek leaves and canned corn

Salad "Hedgehog"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken breast, pickles, boiled carrots, green onions, dill, parsley, canned corn, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Put the salad on a dish in the shape of a hedgehog.

Rub the eggs on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise, and coat the hedgehog. Use for needles potato chips, and for the eyes and nose, squeeze circles from the skin of a pickled cucumber.

Salad "Crab Paradise"

salad ingredients : crab sticks, pickled mushrooms, processed cheese, canned corn, garlic, mayonnaise, greens

ingredients for decoration : red caviar, olives, curly parsley

Salad "Watermelon slice"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken fillet, fried champignons, boiled carrots, boiled eggs, grated cheese, garlic, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : red bell pepper (watermelon pulp), olives (stones), fresh cucumber (peel)

Salad "Gift"

salad ingredients : boiled veal, boiled carrots, boiled beets, steamed prunes, walnuts, boiled eggs, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise, parsley

ingredients for decoration : cut ribbons from boiled carrots and garnish with parsley.

Salad "Capercaillie Nest"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, ham, marinated champignons, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : julienned potatoes fried in vegetable oil, lettuce, for bird eggs: processed cheese, egg yolks, dill, mayonnaise, garlic.

Salad "Starfish"

salad ingredients : crab meat, or crab sticks, canned corn, boiled eggs, slightly salted salmon, grated hard cheese, garlic, dill, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : shrimps, red caviar, lettuce is laid out in layers.

Salad "Hares in the garden"

salad ingredients : fillet smoked fish, e.g. butter, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, boiled carrots, pickles, herbs

ingredients for decoration : in the middle make a "bed" of carrots, put egg bunnies on the sides

Salad "Orange slice"

salad ingredients : boiled eggs, boiled carrots, onions, chicken fillet, marinated champignons, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : lay the salad in layers, shape into orange slices, garnish with grated carrots and egg white.

Salad "Cornucopia" No. 2

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, pickles, canned corn, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : lettuce, vegetables, slightly salted salmon, herbs, and cheese

Salad "Pineapple"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, grated hard cheese, pickles, onions, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : walnut halves, green onion feathers

Salad "Tiger"

salad ingredients : smoked or fried pork, onions, boiled carrots, eggs, grated cheese, prunes, fresh cucumbers, paprika, garlic, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : salad is laid out in layers, garnish with grated carrots, olives, olives, and egg white

Salad "Grapes"

salad ingredients : canned fish(cod liver, for example), green onions, boiled potatoes, eggs, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : blue seedless grapes

Salad "Male caprice"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken fillet, boiled beef, eggs, Crimean onion, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Sandwich cheese for the calla flowers, green onions for the stems, and yellow bell peppers to make the pestle

Salad "Lovers"

salad ingredients : boiled shrimp, Korean-style carrot, grated hard cheese, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : olives and red caviar

Several Yet beautiful ideas for salad decorations you can see here in this video.

Salad decoration: original ideas for a festive table

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